Saturday, January 15, 2011

Lo Lee Ta

Dress: Zara
Socks: Wolford
Sweater: Gap

It's freezing today, as it has been for the past week. I'm partial to the cold, but when the temperature dips below -20 it's time to lock myself up indoors. I was supposed to see Under Milkwood (the Dylan Thomas radio play, which had been adapted for the stage) last night, but ended up seeing The Producers. The play dragged on near the end - which was the point I suppose - but certainly had funny moments. All the historical WW2 references were wonderful, and it almost counted towards studying for my exam this week. So, the above is what I wore, in addition to my black oxfords, I froze of course, but the majority of the evening was spent inside anyways.
I spent the day reading Lolita, which is certainly the most poetic novel I have ever read (maybe I haven't read enough yet). The concept is disturbing, but it's told in such a beautiful way that you forget how creepy the situation really is. As an end to a completely uneventful day, I am now watching Scary Movie 2 (the only one worth watching), having a cup of very milky tea, and craving food on account of the lovely smells coming from my kitchen.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

French Macarons

It's been snowing since yesterday, and there are several inches of lovely, untainted, white snow covering the area. Though, it is terribly windy. Not that I am effected, since 95% percent of my weekend has been spent indoors; wearing heaps of sweaters, drinking tea, reading books and studying for exams. I've become quite the hermit, I must say. Anyways, in-between reading Lolita and drawing Heart Diagrams I took the time to make these absolutely wonderful French Macarons - they are impossible to find in stores around here. So, I took it upon myself to rectify the lack of French delicacies in my life by making these delicate sugar-infused sweets. They turned out surprisingly well, though I had to repeat the egg step due to my disastrous overmixing, and I am certainly planning to make many, many more.

The recipe I used is here - it was simple and the list of variations was quite handy. I used the chocolate ganache filling alongside the normal shell recipe.