Thursday, September 29, 2011

Life leaves little to be desired - save for regular sleep and good health. Everyday something new is added to my never ending list of things to do, and each day I am becoming increasingly aware of my ability to absorb, investigate and experience information, rather than allowing everything I am learning in lectures to slip passively into the background of my life.  Discussion is encouraged - one is never expected to simply memorize a fact - understanding concepts and thinking critically are the goal, rather than becoming a human storage center, chalked full of quotes and equations.
To put it plainly, university is just better than high school. People are more interesting, professors increasingly insightful, experience and discussion continually create a more vivid image of the humanity painted in films and novels. I feel as though I am becoming more of myself, while simultaneously clouding my vision of my future. I can understand why it is so difficult for students to stick to their original major. Coming into the school year I was resolute in my decision to spend a decade at school and become an English professor. My ideal life was reading books and drinking tea everyday, and, in many ways that continues to be my goal, though, with each day my rock-solid image of my life becomes less sturdy.

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