Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I demand Woody Allen's New York and Goddard's Paris

Who ever said that life is more than it is? Oh, yes, those men in movies who I loved so much. 

Life in instagram:

Monday, November 21, 2011

A Year

I have become a rather lack-luster blogger, have I not? My absenteeism is not entirely unwarranted; at some point, one must actively live life rather than observe it.

School is doing my head in. Drinking is depleting my bank account. I am living on coffee and advil. 

This is simply not ideal. I am slowly beginning to find the thought of going out to clubs on weekends repulsive. There is nothing I want more than to wake up on Saturday morning clear-headed and ready to face the day.

I want to read books and drink tea again. I want to eat in bistros and drink in cafes. 

All of this - the drinking, the smoking, the sleepiness - is making me feel terribly average. I look back on my younger self, wishing desperately to be that tireless girl with straight A's.

She was impeccable. She was above average. She was worthwhile. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Le fou ou la fou?

Godard is a genius. There is absolutely nothing more to it. In order to "study for French" - yeah, right - I watched Pierrot le Fou two nights ago and it surpassed my already high expectations. The film moves through these scenes of idyllic country life. This, combined with the perfect poeticism of the script, almost make the movie into an unconventional hundred and ten minute lament.
I thought the title was rather clever as well; le fou meaning the fool, and la fou meaning the crazy. That was rather fitting.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

If only I had been Holly -

Today I wrote a love poem dedicated to Audrey Hepburn, because her perfection extends farther than the silly thrills of premature affection. I think I will love Holly Golightly more thoroughly than any other living person. But, charm is irrelevant, since the boy I'd meant to talk to hardly said a word.

Je pense: il fait beau, mon amour, il fait beau dans la vie.

Monday, November 7, 2011

There were animals galore and any superhero you could think of - though, their hemlines had been sufficiently decreased. We spent Halloween dancing between other bodies to ecstatic electronic sounds strung together into a common beat.
And I paid four dollars for a bottle of water.
And I froze my little, white arms off in the October night.
And I wished I was at home in bed.
But it was still less horrific than the Halloween I spent walking my sister around the neighborhood , or the time in the basement with the girls who cried. Though, it doesn't beat the year spent evading trick-or-treaters at the southern-style crab shack.