Saturday, December 10, 2011

There is no need for anything to be permanent

Now a-days we must make time for life, people must find time to actively participate in living. It's absolutely pathetic how absorbed society has become in it's own bureaucracy, it's own impositions.
We must find time to live, it is no longer an automatic function. When was it decided that people needed to document, detain and decipher their lives? Is it a side effect of this surveillance culture society has created? I think we must watch everything these days. There is a facet of our culture which demands that we document everything, that we consume everything, that we devastate everything. Our entire world is captured by closed circuit cameras and facebook profiles. I feel threatened by this enclosure.What ever happened to living lives without documentation?
Is there a way to live life without looking back?
Even these pages are beginning to feel line an imposition.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I demand Woody Allen's New York and Goddard's Paris

Who ever said that life is more than it is? Oh, yes, those men in movies who I loved so much. 

Life in instagram: